About Us
VaVie – Simplify Healthy Living
VaVie has developed a superlative and an innovative water purification concept, leading the trend of interior design of a complete house water system. For the whole family with different water needs, such as drinking water, bathing, washing, cooking, car washing and so on, VaVie can provide a customized solution package of the best service programs and comprehensive care for the clients and their family’s health.
VaVie has developed a new variety of alkaline water ionizer and alkaline water dispenser, which successfully extends alkaline water technology applications into homes, offices and other places. VaVie Alkaline Drinking water is an ionized water with a slightly increased pH from the neutral level.
Based on the customer’s requirement of the water pH level, the dispenser can adjust itself based on the feed water quality type for quality drinking water. An additional feature which is not available in other dispensers is the ionizing technology with self-cleaning function, in order to effectively maintain the electrode power efficiency and ensure quality water for drinking with increased ionizer life. The dispenser can use either bottled water or tap water as a water source to produce fresh instantaneous alkaline water.